To request an in-person or virtual speaking engagement, please contact Jenn
Virtual Visits: Always an option
School Visits

Jennifer offers exciting and motivating assembly programs and workshops. With each new book she brings a variety of educational topics fit for any audience. She has been known to dance with toddlers, talk about "the business" with fifth graders, entertain visiting grandfriends, and teach educators how to empower their students through the love of literature. Her path from self-published to traditionally published to New York Times Bestseller has inspired other writers.
Presentations can be tailored to your needs, but may include:
Be a Hero
Would you like to get your students thinking about what makes a real hero? How can we be inspired by the people around us? This program points out some people who made a difference in our world and dares kids to dream.

On the Go
Where have YOU been? Students take a trip around the world with Isabella without leaving her backyard. We discuss world monuments and the inspiration we find in every day objects.
Isabella's imagination and love of reading takes her on a magic journey to the library. Predictive art and interactive story-telling gets students guessing what story could be next and itching to check out some of these classic stories.

The Writing Process
Idea generation techniques to Outlining, Drafting, and Revision.
Book's Journey: Idea to Reader
Writing, Revisions, Agents, More Revisions, Editors, More Revisions, Art, Manufacturing, Marketing, and Selling.

Art History 101
Artistic expression is an important part of human existence. Working together, students define art and experience artworks from history imposed on today. Children are inspired to create art themselves.
Charge ON!
Designed to show why representation matters. This event is geared toward older students, grades 3 and up. Students identify key decision-makers in our homes, communities, and country. We highlight several of the first women to hold key political positions and experiment with representation and democratic decision making.

Jennifer's Visits
Jennifer Fosberry's visits are the perfect blend of education and entertainment. She is incredibly engaging and very inspiring. Students and faculty alike always come away having learned something new and exciting and everyone has a great time in the process!"
- Heather Hebert, Children's Book World
Haverford, Pennsylvania
Jennifer has done multiple school visits for all of her books for Changing Hands Bookstore. I have always received back rave reviews about her presentation and her attitude! One of the amazing things to me is that it is not just the "picture book" age that enjoys her presentation - she appeals to all age groups. She has even presented to an audience ranging from Kinder to 8th grade and kept ALL of the kids engaged and interested!
- Stephanie Kilgore, Changing Hands Bookstore
Tempe, Arizona
Jennifer manages to keep 350+ kids engaged and entertained while they learn about famous people, places, and literature. Amazing!